There are currently over 80 projects in various stages of development. The portfolios below offer snapshots of the diverse and selfless leadership coming out of The C. Kyser Miree Ethical Leadership at The Altamont School. Enjoy!
Starting in his freshmen year, Maaz created the Altamont eSports Team which aimed to work on how to compete in video games fairly while also learning leadership and problem-solving… Read more →
Eleanor Roth
Eleanor’s Miree Project has taken two forms: an exploration of the evolution of education in Birmingham, and a school spirit yarn project around Altamont. The… Read more →
Sameer Sultan
Sameer’s passion for music has been a staple in his life. As his father and little brother attempted, with much difficulty, to learn music, he became adamant about music… Read more →
Grey Laney
Every Monday for over two years, Grey taught block coding to students at an underserved public school, Epic Elementary. Students came to him with varying levels of… Read more →
Caroline Lee
During every exam week at the Altamont School, Caroline brings service dogs to help relieve stress for students taking their finals. Though this project has remained… Read more →
Benjamin Tang
Ben saw a need for the women and children living at The Lovelady Center, a residential rehabilitation home for women where they can be re-united with their children, to have… Read more →